An Illustrated Guide To Resizing Pictures

Custom Avatars - Note, these screenshots are getting out of date and will be replaced as soon as possible :)

It's possible to use your own image for the avatar under your name. It's pretty straight forward to select one from the User Control Panel, but you need to 'make' a compatable image first.
If you've already tried, you'll notice that the board will only accept images if they meet the following requirements:

Image must be 150 x 150 pixels or less
Image must be 100k in file size or less

If the image you try and use doesn't meet both of these, then it just won't work.

In order to resize the image you want to use, I recommend a program called XnView - it's a multipurpose image manipulation tool that does loads of stuff, but is one of the easiest to actually resize an image with.

You can grab a copy for free here:


Once you've grabbed a copy, install it then open it ...


Step One: browse to the folder with the pic you want to resize


Double-Click on the image to open it


Click on the Image drop down and select 'resize'


Put 75 in the height - the width will automatically be filled in to keep the 'shape' of the pic.


Click OK and the image will be displayed in its resized form.
Now click 'File' and 'Save As..'


Name it and save it:


And that's it! the image is now saved on your PC. The next step is to upload it to VolksZone ...

Using the new pic

Go to the 'user cp' page on VolksZone, then click 'edit options' and scroll to the bottom


Press the 'Change Avatar' button and a new window will pop up. You could use one of the stock avatars, but wheres the fun in that ... Scroll to the bottom again and click 'Browse'


Select the pic you created earlier and click 'Open'


Click 'Submit Modifications' and all being well, you will have a new avatar :)

If it fails it will tell you why, either the image is too large in pixels or too large in file size. Go back to XnView and check you resized it correctly.

On the Main Page for more info ....
